The Essential Pest Control Checklist for New Homeowners

The Essential Pest Control Checklist for New Homeowners

The Essential Pest Control Checklist for New Homeowners

New homeowners face an array of tasks and considerations upon taking on ownership, but another concern that should not be neglected is pest infestation. Some pests such as termites are just irritating to cohabitate with, while others like bedbugs can do substantial damage as well as spread diseases to new homeowners’ health. New homeowners understandably become anxious over this risk, so to make sure their new home is free from infestation, the best way to ensure its security from these threats is through conducting a comprehensive pest inspection either themselves or with help from professionals.

Locate Food, Water and Shelter One effective way of keeping pests away is denying them resources they require for survival – including food sources both inside and outside the house, storing items securely in sealed containers, regularly disposing of garbage and fixing leaks/spills/clutter removal issues; as well as making sure screens are in place on doors/windows.

Inspection is important when it comes to pest infestation in your yard. Standing water can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other insects, while tall grass and dense shrubbery provide hiding spaces for rodents. Make sure that trees and shrubs are regularly trimmed back, and don’t store woodpiles near the house.

Be on the lookout for entryways into your house that could allow critters inside, particularly near its foundation. Fill any cracks in walls or foundation with caulk. Seal gaps around baseboards, windows and doors as well as exposed vents using metal mesh covering. Make sure to also inspect for possible raccoon or skunk holes on roof eaves as this could also provide access.

Examine all nooks and crannies in attics, crawl spaces, basements, cabinets and drawers thoroughly for droppings, chewed-on wires (rodents), chew marks on wood furniture or other items as well as webbing from ant tunnels, or sawdust piles which indicate termite activity. If any are observed it would be wise to consult a professional immediately for advice and treatment options.

Regular pest inspections, whether monthly, weekly or daily depending on the area of the house. Some areas such as bathrooms and kitchens tend to attract more pests due to providing food, water and shelter – it is therefore vital that these spaces are inspected frequently to ensure they remain tidy.

By following these tips, you’ll significantly lower your risk of pest infestation. Furthermore, hiring an extermination professional could provide peace of mind that any problems are identified early and dealt with accordingly. So if you need a pest control company near you – ETS would be happy to assist; our specialists will make sure your new home provides peace of mind! Pest Control Moreno Valley